Joe Sugerman BluBlocker

Joe Sugarman, BluBlocker Sunglasses Founder, saw things differently than the rest of the world. As an accomplished entrepreneur, Joe first experienced blue light blocking technology in the mid 1980s which changed his life forever.

Joe was a world famous copywriter.  He sold products through his company, JS&A in his own catalogs and in airline shopping magazines.  Joe had an available page in an upcoming airline shopping magazine and he decided to write the ad below for his new product.


 This was the most successful ad Joe had ever run.  After promoting BluBlocker in print for a few years, Joe decided to try something new.  Selling products in 30 minute infomercials on television.  At the time, taking credit cards over the 1-800 numbers had not yet been done. 

 The ad was so successful Bell telephone company called Joe to learn how he was processing credit cards over the phone.  They took the procedures he created and they became the standard for the industry.   

Joe went on to grow BluBlocker to one of the largest sunglasses companies in the world (in the 1990s).  Joe became famous in his own right and traveled the world promoting his company.

Joe Sugarman passed away peacefully in the spring of 2022 at the age of 83.

Read more about Joe Sugarman here in the Chicago Sun Times.